With nearly every health organization in the world advocating exercise and a detailed fitness regimen in the quest for perfect health, it certainly seems that way, doesn’t it? After all our bodies are meant for physical activity, something which we can all use in spades just about now since we all tend to follow a sedentary lifestyle. But it seems that a good workout can also come with its own side effects as well especially if you happen to have a compromised immune system. That’s why it is important that we take a closer look at some of the positive and negative effects of exercise.
Positive impact of exercise:
- Calories: Since one of the main objectives of most workouts is to burn off calories and the extra beer belly you have been carrying around, it is quite effective in making the same happen. But you may want to note that this does not happen overnight, rather the process consists of you undertaking several reps each day until there is some visible impact of all that exercise and a strict diet plan.
- Metabolism: With increased physical activity, your metabolism speeds up so that you are now able to burn calories at a faster rate than you were able to before. This will effectively prevent your body from storing excess fat and as a result, should help you to burn off all the excess fat effectively.
- Feel good factor: At the end of each intensive workout session, your brain releases dopamine which makes you feel good about yourself and in the process, makes you feel optimistic. The dopamine has a long-lasting residual impact on your brain forcing you to recreate the circumstances that led to the release of dopamine in the first place. This is why many who get into a fitness regime for effective ways to get rid of the excess fat continue with their exercise despite losing the target weight
- Sin and muscle tone: With increased physical activity, both your skin and muscle tone should improve in the long run. As you undertake more reps, your abs and various other muscles should start developing so in the end, you should be sporting various muscles that appear well defined.
Negative impact of exercise:
- Health impact: While exercise is generally accepted as being good for the body it should be pointed out that the opposite seems to be the case where the immune system of the person is compromised. While these people should avoid a sedentary lifestyle, they should resist overworking their body which can impact your health as a result of the weakened immune system. Such people often develop a wide range of health issues from developing knee and joint pains to developing cardiovascular health issues.
- Addiction: as a result of the hype that’s being built around, more and more people are getting addicted to the same resulting in longer and longer reps, as a result, they slowly become addicted to exercises and perform the sane daily to the point that they have little or no social interaction with others. This can often lead them to become a recluse. All that’s required is some therapy along with intensive counseling and you should soon be able to get back to normal,
- Social interaction: With little time left after intensive workout sessions you may have little or no time left to interact with anyone. As a result, you would end up with low to minimum social skills, would find it harder to integrate back into mainstream society and may even find it difficult to hold a simple conversation.
These are some of the positive and negative effects of exercise; while exercise is quite good for your body and helps you to maintain your thin and slim physique. But it also comes with a few side effects some of which are downright dangerous. That’s why it is important that you consult a health expert at the earliest and even opt for a healthy diet, one that ensures that you are able to maintain good health and goes a long way towards mitigating some of those risks. And remember you need to avoid doing your reps when your stomach is full for obvious reasons.
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