Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy and Disclaimer

The contents of this Website are based on information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation is made that it is timely, accurate or complete. We have taken due care and caution in compilation of data as this has been obtained from various sources including which it considers reliable and first hand. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any information and it is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information and especially states that it has no financial liability whatsoever to the subscribers / users of this report. The information herein, together with all estimates and forecasts, can change without notice.

Google Adsense and the DoubleClick DART Cookie
Google, as a third party advertisement vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on this site. The use of DART cookies by Google enables them to serve adverts to visitors that are based on their visits to this website as well as other sites on the internet.

To opt out of the DART cookies you may visit the Google ad and content network privacy policy here Tracking of users through the DART cookie mechanisms are subject to Google’s own privacy policies.

Other Third Party ad servers or ad networks may also use cookies to track users activities on this website to measure advertisement effectiveness and other reasons that will be provided in their own privacy policies, has no access or control over these cookies that may be used by third party advertisers.

Links to third party Websites
We have included links on this site for your use and reference. We are not responsible for the privacy policies on these websites. You should be aware that the privacy policies of these sites may differ from our own.