
Pros and Cons of living in Turkey

Turkey is quickly becoming one of the most sought after countries to move to or retire in, given the superb quality of life, more affordable living, and unbelievable food.  However, just like moving to any new country, especially one you’re not familiar with, there are pros and cons to consider. Pros 1.) Laidback lifestyle: Probably one …

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Pros and cons of living in Nunavut

Pros and Cons of Living in Nunavut

Nunavut is a beautiful, concentrated city in Canada with alluring places to visit and lots of cultural diversity, complete with an experience to remember.  However, as with all places to visit or move to, there are pros and cons of living in Nunavut to consider: Advantages of living in Nunavut Solid economy Nunavut happens to …

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pros and cons of zero lot line property

Pros and Cons of a Zero Lot Line

As you set about to build a new home, you must choose where to plot your property. This means determining how close your property should be plotted, compared to your neighbors and the property line as a whole.   The term “zero lot line” refers to a residential property structure built close to the edges of …

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